The benefit of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the advantages can be even greater for you as volunteer. It can help you find friends, connect with others, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your overall psychological well-being. There’s nothing like a meaningful connection with another person to relieve stress.
We are a passionate and motivated team that welcomes like-minded individuals to join us and increase our capacity.
– Stand up for what you believe in
– Do fundraising events on your own way (e.g., Baking, Breakfast morning, Food festival, sport, competitions, …)
– Get your friends and family involve and fundraise together
– Organise fundraising events
– Take part in a fundraising event with your friends and family
– Become Kurdish Aid Speakers
– Local community supporter
– Get involved at a festival near you
– Become a volunteer to help a specific project
Education Ambassador
– Contacting universities, school and local community to raise awareness